Welcome to Ninja jumper game!

I am Ruben Alvarez, in this webpage you will find my game called "Ninja jumper" .

This game consist of moing the ninja to get the gems and the maximus score by juming over diferents plataforms using the keyboard arrows

This is the Python code:

import  time
import  pygame
import  random
WIDTH = 1000
HEIGHT = 600
blue = 150
blueforward = True
groundcolour = 0,0,139
floor = Rect ((0,580), (1000,20))
ninja = Actor('jumper-1',(500,250))
ninja_x_velocity = 0
ninja_y_velocity = 0
gravity = 1
jumping = False
jumped = False
allowx = True
timer = []
platform1 = Rect((450,500),(100,10))
platform2 = Rect((300,400),(100,10))
platform3 = Rect((600,400),(100,10))
platform4 = Rect((200,300),(100,10))
platform5 = Rect((700,300),(100,10))
platform6 = Rect((100,200),(100,10))
plat61_x = 200
plat62_x = 700
platform61 = Rect((plat61_x,200),(100,10))
platform62 = Rect((plat62_x,200),(100,10))
platform7 = Rect((800,200),(100,10))#..moving out right(
platform8 = Rect((0,100),(100,10))#top far left
platform9 = Rect((900,100),(100,10))#top far rigth
platforms =[floor,platform1,platform2,platform3,platform4,platform5,platform6,platform7,platform8,platform9,platform61,platform62]#list to platforms
plat61left = True
plat62left = False
diamond_x = [950,50,850,150,750,250,650,350,500]
diamond_y = [70,70,170,170,270,270,370,370,470]
d_xy = random.randint(0,8)
gem = Actor('diamond_s', (diamond_x[d_xy],diamond_y[d_xy]))
points = 0
pygame.mixer.pre_init(22050, -16, 2, 1024)
pygame.mixer.init(22050, -16, 2, 1024)

def draw():
    global  platform61, platform62
    platform61 = Rect((plat61_x,200),(100,10))
    platform62 = Rect((plat62_x,200),(100,10))
    platforms[10] = platform61
    platforms[11] = platform62
    for i in platforms:
    screen.draw.text("Loot:", center=(50,540), fontsize=40, shadow=(1,1),
color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
    screen.draw.text(str(points), center=(45,570), fontsize=40,
shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")

def update():

def ninja_move():
    global ninja_x_velocity, ninja_y_velocity, jumping, gravity, jumped, allowx, timer, points, d_xy

    #facing the front
    if ninja_x_velocity == 0 and not jumped:
        ninja.image = 'jumper-1'

    if collidecheck():
        gravity = 1
        ninja.y -= 1
        allowx = True
        timer = []
    if not collidecheck():
        ninja.y += gravity
        if gravity <= 20:
            gravity += 0.5
        if len(timer) > 5 and not jumped:
            allowx = False
            ninja.image = 'jumper-up'
            if len(timer) > 20:
                ninja.image = 'jumper-fall'
                if len(timer) > 30:
                    ninja.image = 'jumper-fall2'


    #left and right movement
    if (keyboard.left) and allowx:
        if ( ninja.x > 40) and (ninja_x_velocity > -8):
            ninja_x_velocity -= 2
            ninja.image = "jumper-left"
            if (keyboard.left) and jumped:
                ninja.image = "jumper-jleft"
    if (keyboard.right) and allowx:
        if (ninja.x < 960) and ( ninja_x_velocity < 8):
            ninja_x_velocity += 2
            ninja.image = "jumper-right"
            if (keyboard.right) and jumped:
                ninja.image = "jumper-jright"

    ninja.x += ninja_x_velocity
    if ninja_x_velocity > 0:
        ninja_x_velocity -= 1
    if ninja_x_velocity < 0:
        ninja_x_velocity += 1
    if ninja.x <50 or ninja.x > 950:
        ninja_x_velocity = 0

    if (keyboard.up) and collidecheck()and not jumped:
        jumping = True
        jumped = True
        ninja.image = "jumper-up"
        ninja_y_velocity = 95
    if jumping and ninja_y_velocity > 25:
        ninja_y_velocity = ninja_y_velocity - ((100 - ninja_y_velocity)/2)
        ninja.y -= ninja_y_velocity/3 #jump.height
        ninja_y_velocity = 0
        jumping = False

    #gem collisic

    if ninja.colliderect(gem):
        points += 1
        old_d_xy = d_xy
        d_xy = random.randint(0,8)
        while old_d_xy == d_xy:
            d_xy = random.randint(0,8)
        gem.x = diamond_x[d_xy]
        gem.y = diamond_y[d_xy]

def platform_mover():
    global plat61_x, plat62_x, plat61left, plat62left
    #left platform
    if plat61left:
        plat61_x += 2
        if plat61_x == 400:
            plat61left = False
        if ninja.colliderect(platform61):
            ninja.x += 2
        plat61_x -= 2
        if plat61_x == 200:
            plat61left = True
        if ninja.colliderect(platform61):
            ninja.x -= 2
    #right platform
    if plat62left:
        plat62_x += 2
        if plat62_x == 700:
            plat62left = False
        if ninja.colliderect(platform62):
            ninja.x += 2
        plat62_x -= 2
        if plat62_x == 500:
            plat62left = True
        if ninja.colliderect(platform62):
            ninja.x -= 2

def collidecheck():
    collide = False
    for i in platforms:
        if ninja.colliderect(i):
            collide = True
    return collide

def jumpedrecently():
    global jumped
    jumped = False
def backgroundcolourfade():
    global blue, blueforward
    if blue < 255 and blueforward:
        blue += 1
        blueforward = False
    if blue > 130 and not blueforward:
        blue -= 1
        blueforward = True

This is a screenshot of the game